You may have vomited on your carpet for a number of reasons. Pets, children, your fourteenth 21st birthday party. If you have vomit in your carpet here are the steps to take to treat it. You’ll want to move quickly for best results. Start by removing the larger or solid bits. This will mean scraping and picking up and it won’t be pretty.
Then sprinkle baking soda or cornstarch on the stain to soak up as much puke as possible. You’ll need to leave it there for 10-15 minutes and then vacuum. The next step is to mix one tablespoon of liquid hand and dish soap (Like the clear soap you use on dishes in your sink, not what you put into an automatic dishwasher machine) and one tablespoon of white vinegar. With a white cloth, blot the stain with this solution until the liquid is absorbed. Then sponge with cold water and blot dry to remove the detergent/vinegar solution.
Removing vomit from carpet can be especially difficult. Even more difficult can be removal of the odor it leaves soaked into the carpet and the padding underneath. If you have a lingering odor, vomit in multiple areas, vomit soaked into building structures, or simply aren’t interested in cleaning someone else stomach contents don’t hesitate to call A1 BioHazard right now.
A1 BioHazard’s professional technicians are certified and experienced in best practices for cleanup and biohazard remediation. They are trained in proper use of personal protective equipment, the risks and mitigation techniques for working around body fluids and other potentially infectious materials. If you have any questions call A1 BioHazard immediately.